Submit an Acquirer Story

Submit an Acquirer Story
Photo by Etienne Girardet / Unsplash

Have a story to share?

I want to hear your story so we can share it with the community, but only if you meet one of these conditions:

✅ Acquired an SMB as a "searcher" --> show what it can be

✅ Are actively under LOI and want to share a live, in the field take on things --> show us what it is like to be in the thick of it

✅ Spent 18+ months searching, had some deals fall through, and decided to go back to corporate because Searching was not what you hoped it would be --> show us that it doesn't always work out; we need to all be aware of the other outcome (with the positive learnings too!)

And also, you need to be willing to pull back the curtains that means giving us a fairly reasonable sense of the business financials, SDE, pain points, etc..

What's in it for you?

➕ Inspire other Searchers out there

👀 Get eyes on your story from potential acquirers / Searchers / PE firms

🤑 Bring in some customers in your local market who may like what you sell

🔑 A year of free access to the Inner Circle

So, if after that, you want to share please reach out to with the subject "I want to share my story" and we'll go from there.


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Exclusive acquirer stories, SMB news, industry reports, resource directories, and more for SMB Searchers

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