Learn: The ETA Orbit Guide to SMB Acquisitions

Learn is a starting point for SMB acquisitions, covering Basics, Searching, Transacting, Operating, and Exit. This isn’t a full playbook—go deeper with books, podcasts, service providers, and events. Use this as a guide, but seek the right expertise to navigate your acquisition journey.
Learn: The ETA Orbit Guide to SMB Acquisitions
Photo by Kenny Eliason / Unsplash

Acquiring and running a small business is a complex journey—one that requires more than just reading a few articles. This is not a full playbook, but a starting point. Each stage of the process has deeper layers, and you should supplement your learning with books, podcasts, the right service providers, and industry events.

The Core Stages of SMB Acquisitions:

🔩 The Basics – A high-level overview of SMB acquisitions, including why people buy businesses and key terms you need to know.

SMB Acquisitions 101: How to Buy and Run a Small Business
So, you’re thinking about buying a small business? Good call. Instead of rolling the dice on a startup, burning cash for years, and praying for an exit, buying an existing business gives you cash flow from day one - a great on ramp from W2 life too.

🔍 Searching – How to find, evaluate, and assess businesses—whether through brokers, direct outreach, or networking.

How to Find a Small Business to Buy – SMB Search Guide
You decided to buy a business? Nice call. Now you have to beat out everyone else to find the diamond in the rough: a solid business, at the right price, with a good team and customer base. Easier said than done.

💰 Transacting – The mechanics of structuring, financing, and negotiating a deal, plus what to expect in due diligence.

How to Close an SMB Acquisition – Deal Structuring & Financing
So, you found a business you like, ran some back-of-the-napkin numbers, and the seller is open to selling (whether brokered or off-market). Congrats. But if you think the hard part is over, buckle up—because getting it over the line is where the fun really begins.

🏃‍♂️ Operating – What happens post-close? Transitioning, managing employees, and setting your business up for success.

How to Successfully Run Your Newly Acquired SMB
So, you closed the deal. You did the LOI, survived due diligence, got through all the SBA paperwork (RIP your patience), and now… you own a business.... Now what?

🚪 Exit – How to position your business for an eventual sale (even if you don’t plan to sell anytime soon).

How to Sell Your SMB for Maximum Value – Exit Planning Guide
While you sat on one side as a buyer, this is essentially a mirrored process. You know what buyer’s want to know, and you know what a good broker looks like so you are better suited to sell than you may think. That said, exiting is not the only way.

This is just the foundation—go deeper, seek out the right resources, and build a strong network to maximize your success.

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